I'm writing three books about exercise. About easy and everyday exercise. Why? Because these simple things have helped me to stay healthy and flexible. People ask me how I do it.
I'm a happy and healthy person, and I notice that a lot of people aren't either of those things.
Yes, I'm still writing fiction... Do Fiction and Non-Fiction mix? Don't know, but for now...
Here's some of the research I've been doing to authenticate my own not-so-humble opinions. WHY MORNING EXERCISE ? RESEARCH--Just the Facts, ma’am
Morning exercise increases mental power and stimulates the producing of chemicals that make us feel good.
Here is "Morning Exercise = Mental Health" video, made by the folks at kramgallery.com to publicize their whiteboard message business.
They didn’t keep their research for the video, but I found corroborating research facts. More to be posted about the chemicals released in your brain to make you feel good - and how they're stimulated by exercise.
Book just released on Smashwords, to be sent to Kobo and iBooks. Amazon next.
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